Privacy policy


This privacy policy (updated on 11/30/2022) defines and informs users how Viapazon uses and protects their personal data. 

As the Use Terms, any access and/or  use of the site implies acceptance and compliance with all the terms of this Privacy Policy and it’s  unconditional acceptance. Thus, it constitutes a contract between Viapazon and the user. 

This privacy policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by VIAPAZON, particularly to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, or technological developments. In such cases, the date of its update will be clearly indicated within this policy. These modifications are binding on the user as soon as they are published online. It is therefore recommended that the user regularly consult this privacy and cookie usage policy to be aware of any changes.

1. Personal Data

VIAPAZON ensure that the collection and processing of personal information carried out within the Site is done in accordance with the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, referred to as the “Data Protection Act,” and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of April 27, 2016.

Accordingly, VIAPAZON informs its users of the following points:

1.1 Personal data definition

“Personal Data” refers to any information that could lead to the identification of an individual.

1.2 Processing of Personal Data

The “processing” of personal data includes any operation performed manually or using automated processes applied to personal data. This may include the collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, extraction, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction of these data.

1.3 Data Controller

The data controller is VIAPAZON, a SAS with a capital of €15,000, registered with the RCS of Le Havre under the number B 913 543 971, and whose registered office is located at 66, Rue Joseph Morlent, 76600 Le Havre.

Phone: +33 (0)6 43 66 53 55

1.4 Nature of Collected Data

Only the necessary and relevant data in relation to the purposes pursued are collected (principle of proportionality). These may include:

  • Name, surname
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Any other personal data that may be useful for the purposes described in Article 1.5 below.

The information collected by VIAPAZON may come from:

  • The entry of personal contact details by the user when requesting contact or a quote.
  • Data generated from the user’s navigation on the platform through the use of cookies.

If the mentioned data are provided online, VIAPAZON may also collect it offline (for example, through a business card voluntarily given to a company employee or a signature sent in an email to an employee). This privacy policy will therefore apply regardless of the means of collection.

Additionally, VIAPAZON may use tools or software capable of collecting non-personal data via the user’s device, in compliance with applicable laws.

“Non-personal Data” refers to any information that does not result in the identification of an individual.

These data are anonymous, processed in an aggregated form, and are not linked to any personal data of the user.

1.5 Purpose of Collected Data

Personal data is collected for the purposes of VIAPAZON’s business activities, such as the sale of products and services, marketing and advertising actions, the continuous development of the site’s features and services to better meet user needs, or to comply with statutory reporting obligations.

Depending on the situation, the uses include:

  • Allowing the user to request information. Additionally, by providing their email address, the user authorizes VIAPAZON to use it to send commercial or marketing messages.
    In this sense, the company may also use this email address for administrative purposes or for other non-marketing purposes (e.g., to notify the user of important changes to the Site, or for other reasons described in Article 1.9).

This site uses the WordPress plugin WP Statistics ( Simple statistics are generated from data in an anonymous form. All data collected by WP Statistics will be stored anonymously on this web server. Personal identification of a visitor is therefore not possible, even subsequently.

1.6 Data Storage Duration

The data provided by the user is retained by VIAPAZON for the duration of the contractual relationship resulting from the submission of the contact form.

1.7 User Rights

Under current regulations, the user retains control over their personal data and is free to manage its existence, destination, content, and extent at any time.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and GDPR, users can exercise the following rights free of charge by contacting the service specified below:

  • Right of Access: The ability to obtain confirmation from the data controller as to whether personal data is being processed, and if so, to gain access to the purposes of the processing, the categories of data used, the recipients of the data, the duration of data retention or the criteria used to determine this duration, the right to request rectification and deletion of data, restriction of processing and the ability to object to it, the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL, or information about any transfer of personal data to a third country.
  • Right to Rectification: The right to obtain from the data controller the update or correction of inaccurate personal data.
  • Right to Erasure: The right to obtain from the data controller the deletion of personal data when such data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was processed, when the data subject withdraws their consent, when they object to the processing based on their right to object, or when the processing of data is unlawful.
  • Right to Restriction: The right to obtain from the data controller the restriction of processing when data processing is unlawful, when the data is no longer necessary for the purpose of processing but is still needed for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, or when the data subject has objected to the processing based on their right to object.
  • Right to Data Portability: The right to receive the data provided to the data controller in a readable, structured, and commonly used format, and the ability to transfer it without hindrance to another data controller.
  • Right to Object: The right to object at any time, for reasons relating to their particular situation, to the processing of their personal data, especially when such data is processed for direct marketing purposes, profiling, or for historical, scientific, or statistical research. The data controller may continue this processing if they can demonstrate that it is necessary for compelling legitimate reasons that outweigh the interests and rights and freedoms of the data subject.

These rights apply to all personal data of the user.

The user can exercise these rights by contacting:

  • By postal mail to the following address:
    User Database Management Service
    66, Rue Joseph Morlent
    76600 Le Havre.
  • By email to the following address:

VIAPAZON has one month from receipt of the request to respond.

In certain cases, the user may also exercise these rights directly:

  • Via the online form
  • Regarding cookies, they have direct means of opposition as specified above in paragraph 2.3.

Additionally, if the user believes that the processing of their personal data does not comply with the applicable legislative and regulatory provisions, they have the right to file a complaint with the CNIL.

1.8 Data Security and Recipients

VIAPAZON is committed to protecting the personal data that the user chooses to share to ensure their confidentiality and to prevent them from being altered, damaged, destroyed, or disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

The company therefore uses physical, electronic, and procedural security measures deemed adequate to protect this data against misuse, loss, and against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

However, while VIAPAZON does its best to protect personal data, given the inevitable risks of data transmission over the Internet, it cannot guarantee total protection against any error that may occur during the transmission of personal data outside the reasonable control of VIAPAZON.

As personal data can be confidential, access to it is restricted to employees or service providers who need to know this data to perform their duties.

All individuals who have access to users’ personal data are bound by a duty of confidentiality and are subject to disciplinary actions and/or other sanctions if they do not respect these obligations.

1.9 Transfer of Personal Data

VIAPAZON may disclose personal information to third parties if it believes that such disclosure is necessary for technical reasons (e.g., hosting services) or to protect the company’s legal interests (e.g., in the event of an acquisition or merger with a third company or a total or partial liquidation).

By using the site, the user consents to VIAPAZON sending their personal data to the aforementioned third parties and acknowledges that it will be processed according to their own privacy policies.

VIAPAZON may also disclose such personal information if legally required to do so or if it believes in good faith that such disclosure is necessary in the context of legal proceedings (e.g., subpoena, court order) or to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the company, its clients, or the public.

These transfers may be made by any method that VIAPAZON deems appropriate and in compliance with applicable law.

1.10 Links to Other Websites and Social Networks

The site may occasionally contain links to third-party websites. These websites have their own privacy policies,

2. Specific Case of Cookies

2.1 Introduction to Cookies

A cookie is a text file useful for navigating websites, stored in a dedicated space on the hard drive of a user’s device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, or any other internet-enabled device) when viewing content or online advertisements. It serves to personalize pages by adapting them to the user’s profile and may contain collected data such as, depending on the case, the name, email address, time and date of connection, the computer’s operating system, the websites visited, etc.

Cookies can be either permanent (remaining after the user logs off from websites, allowing them to be used during future visits) or temporary (disappearing upon logout).

2.2 Purpose of Cookies

VIAPAZON uses two categories of cookies on the website:

Essential Cookies

These cookies are necessary for the operation of the website. They relate to cookie acceptance and session information. They do not contain any personal information.

  • cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary
    This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies are used to store the user’s consent for cookies in the “Necessary” category.
    Validity: 11 months
    Type: HTTP

  • CookieLawInfoConsent
    This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether the user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
    Validity: 11 months
    Type: HTTP

  • viewed_cookie_policy
    This cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is used to store your response to the site’s cookie policy and is only present for users who have accepted it. It does not store any personal data.
    Validity: 11 months
    Type: HTTP

  • _wpfuuid
    This cookie is used by the WPForms plugin. It allows the plugin to connect entries from the same user. It does not store any personal data.
    Validity: 11 years
    Type: HTTP

Functional Cookies

Functional cookies are essential for the proper functioning of certain website features, anonymously.

  • __hssc
    This cookie is used by our HubSpot messaging service. It tracks sessions and is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains the domain, the number of views (increments each session), and the session start timestamp.
    Validity: 30 minutes
    Type: Third-party

  • __hssrc
    This cookie is used by our HubSpot messaging service. When HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. If this cookie is not present when HubSpot manages cookies, the session is considered new. It contains the value “1” when present.
    Validity: Session
    Type: Third-party

  • __hstc
    This cookie is used by our HubSpot messaging service. It is the main tracking cookie for visitors. It contains the domain, the utk, the initial timestamp (first visit), the last timestamp (last visit), the current timestamp (current visit), and the session number (increments with each subsequent session).
    Validity: 6 months
    Type: Third-party

  • hubspotutk
    This cookie is used by our HubSpot messaging service. It tracks a visitor’s identity and is transmitted to HubSpot upon form submission, used for deduplicating contacts. It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current visitor.
    Validity: 6 months
    Type: Third-party

  • messagesUtk
    This cookie is used by our HubSpot messaging service. It recognizes visitors who chat with you via the Chatflows tool. If a visitor leaves your site before being added as a contact, this cookie will be associated with their browser. If the “Consent to collect chat cookies” setting is enabled: If you chat with a visitor and they later return to your site using the same browser, the Chatflows tool will load their conversation history. The messagesUtk cookie will be treated as a necessary cookie. When the “Consent to collect chat cookies” setting is disabled, the messagesUtk cookie is controlled by the “Consent to process data” setting in your chatflow. HubSpot will not delete the messagesUtk cookie for visitors identified through the visitor identification API. The analytics cookie banner will not be affected. This cookie will be specific to a subdomain and will not be transferred to other subdomains. For example, the cookie for will not apply to a visitor on, and vice versa. It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current chat user.
    Validity: 6 months
    Type: Third-party

Customize Cookies

2.3 Choices and Methods for Accepting or Rejecting Cookies

When a user browses the website, cookies are enabled by default, and data can be read or stored locally on their device.

The user will be notified the first time they receive a cookie, allowing them to accept or refuse it. However, users can oppose the storage of cookies, or be warned before accepting them, by configuring their computer as follows:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Safari

Contact For any questions regarding this privacy policy or any requests concerning personal data, users can contact VIAPAZON by email at: