From document collection to signature, centralize your interactions in the dataroom Viapazon and identify the institutions taking part in the operation
Institution creation
Identify and create different institutions in the operation : bank, investment bank, investment fund, Lawyer, consulting firm…
Several investors are interested in the same operation ? Add them all to Viapazon as confidential institutions.

All your operations and notifications/solicitations in one space

As an expert, create your own collaborative spaces dedicated to simple bilateral transactions ... right through to complex LBOs

View all the institutions approached as part of the operation

Add institutions now or later, as the operation progresses

Customize your institutions...

... Especially those who are not supposed to see each other

Pre-qualify the Partners who will take part in the operation

Define their roles, in particular the possibility to administrate an institution and to add to the list of Partners.
Administrator integration
Each institution can accommodate an unlimited number of people. You can assign a document to a person to ensure they upload it.
Name an administrator for each institution, who will be responsible for integrating their own partners.
Listing and document collection
Each operation is unique, and so is the transactional documentation. Import an entire file structure and document templates for your operations.
Thanks to this pre-qualification, the operation participants only need to upload the document which will be names and organized correctly.
Get an overview of your documents status in the operation. To upload, to edit, to sign…
Everyone will find their place on Viapazon, wheter

Pre-qualification ensures the origin of key transactional documents

Define the life cycle of the document (in particular whether it should be signed or edited)

Import the file structure and document outlines you need into your dataroom
Everyone will find their place on Viapazon,Whether it's for uploading documents, integrating collaborators, or feely managing their document interactions.