Document edition

Save valuable time on document management by centralizing all document stages : collecting, editing, ratificating and signing in Viapazon’s dataroom

WORD document prevision

Upload any document format, including word documents, that you want to integrate into the Viapazon document editor. 

Edition and versionning

Each modification is timestamped and creates a new document version. A detailed folder structure is available to understand the origin and chronology modifications.

Keep an only document reference version and keep access to previous versions if needed.


Before submitting your document for approval, you can use the Q&A tab to communicate with various contacts and ask anonymous questions. 

Submit the document for approval to get the validation from all parties working on the document.


Once modified and validated, the document could be signed directly into the dataroom Viapazon in a security space thanks to our partner Yousign.

Congratulations ! In a unique platform,you have ensured a secured, centralized and comprehensive document management process.